The project is supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), which aims at fostering a healthier economic environment through increased knowledge of competition distortions and more active participation of relevant stakeholders in reducing these practices on the market.
The specific objectives of the project are:
To raise the awareness of the public by providing a comprehensive synthesis of available published resources on policies and practices in Vietnam which have or are likely to have distortive outcomes on the competitive process;
To strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders such as government agencies, research institutes, sector-specific agencies, and the civil society in Vietnam in dealing with competition distortions; and
To sensitize concerned policy-makers on the importance of more effective competition regulation on the market
Expected Outputs
Three (03) quarterly dossiers of competition distortions in Vietnam produced in English and Vietnamese;
An analytical research report on ‘Competition Distortions in Vietnam’ produced at the end of the project on the basis of the dossiers. This is expected to be an advocacy tool for discussing with Vietnamese policy-makers on matters related to competition and consumer protection in the country.
Expected Outcomes
Increased awareness among various groups of the society about different aspects of competition and consumer protection issues in Vietnam;
Enhanced capacity of relevant stakeholders such as government agencies, research institutes, sector-specific agencies, and the civil society to deal with competition distortions as they arise their areas of work or daily life;
Sensitised policy-makers in Vietnam who could better appreciate the implications on the competitive process and consumer welfare of their policy decisions for improved policy-making in the future.
- Competion Distortions Dossier I.2014
- Competion Distortions Dossier II.2014
- Competion Distortions Dossier III.2014
- Year End Analytic Report_2013-2014
- Competition Distortions Dossier I.2015
- Competition Distortions Dossier II.2015
- Competition Distortions Dossier III.2015
- Competition Distortions Dossier IV.2015