Policy briefs are short documents that present the findings and recommendations of a research project to a non-specialist readership. These are fact-based but also persuasive briefs and are usually a key tool for communicating research findings to policy makers.
List of our policy briefs:
- Agricultural Products’ Exports: Sanitary & PhytoSanitary (SPS) barriers faced by exporters in Vietnam
- The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: Main Issues Faced by SMEs in Vietnam and Their Solution
- WTO Agreements on Trade in Services: Main Issues Faced by SMEs in Vietnam and Their Solution
- Manufactured products’ exports: Technical Barriers to Trade faced by exporters from Vietnam
- Textile Articles’ Exports to the US Market: Technical Barriers to Trade Faced by Exporters in Vietnam
- The TPP Agreement Chapter on Competition Policy
- Human Capital Mix in GMS Countries An impediment to Services Trade
- Four years after WTO accession Do Vietnam’s regulations on import restriction violate its WTO’s commitments?
- IT Trade, Technology Transfer and their Relationship with Economic Development in the GMS Ground Realities and Future Options
- Banking and Financial System in GMS Countries Its Relationship to Economic Development
- Agriculture and Rural Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region The Important Nexus
- Trade Capacity Building and Private Sector Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
- Border Trade in the GMS Ground Realities and Future Options
- Facilitation of trade and investment in the GMS What role for whom?
- Opportunities for Trade in Services between GMS and India Challenges and Options for Future
- The Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam (CLV) Development Triangle Opportunities, Challenges and Options for Future
- Review of the Energy Sector Integration in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region A Focus on the Electricity sub-Sector
- Community Based Ecotourism for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Mekong Region