Unlocking the potential of the digital economy in India and Southeast Asia
Bangkok, 23 August 2018
Delivering his keynote speech at a conference entitled “Unlocking the potential of the digital economy in India and Southeast Asia”, jointly organised by CUTS International (www.cuts-international.org), the India-based international research and advocacy group and Thammasat University’s India Centre, Mr. Pansak Siriruchatapong, Vice Minister for Digital Economy and Society of Thailand shared rich information about how Thailand is going digital on all fronts, from human resources, infrastructure to government services and entrepreneurship development. Similarly, several “Digital India” initiatives are also being deployed with remarkable success, as shared by Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Commercial Representative of the Embassy of India in Thailand.
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Addressing Unfair Trade Practices in ASEAN to Protect Small Businesses and Consumers
Jakarta, 19 December 2012
Unfair trade practices (UTPs) such as unfair pricing, misleading advertisement, undue use of bargaining power by big businesses, etc are thought to be extremely and highly prevalent in Indonesia by 90% of representatives of relevant national stakeholder groups (consumers,
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Policy Dialogue on Unfair Trade Practices in ASEAN
Jakarta, 19 December 2012
A policy dialogue of the project entitled “Study on Unfair Trade Practices in select ASEAN countries” will be organised in Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia on the 19th of December 2012. The dialogue will be hosted by the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS International) in collaboration with the Indonesian Centre for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK).
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WTO DG’s move is a right step for a more inclusive multilateral trading system: CUTS
“WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy’s proposal to convene a Panel of Multi-Stakeholders of the WTO is a welcome step to make the multilateral trading system more inclusive,” said Pradeep Mehta, Secretary General of CUTS International. “Though the WTO is a member-driven organisation, such a Track-2 initiative will strengthen the Track-1 agenda of the WTO Members which is to gradually make the multilateral trading system more open, more rules-based and transparent,” he added.
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Pascal Lamy, DG, WTO seeks a more realistic approach toward concluding the Doha Round of negotiations: CUTS
September 07, 2011
“The Member countries of the World Trade Organisation will need to show better political leadership, more pragmatism and a spirit of realism to break the deadlock hampering the progress toward concluding the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations,” said Pascal Lamy, Director-General, WTO in New Delhi on 6th September at a function organised by CUTS International. He delivered his address on “the multilateral trading system of the future”. The multilateral trading system of the future will have to address a number of global challenges, including “the blurring of the edges between trade policy and others such as exchange rate policies, climate change policies, food security policies or energy policies.”
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Separate WTO and the Doha Round for Plan B to work: CUTS
June 1st, 2011
“The main reason behind the non-progress of the Doha Round of negotiations by the WTO Members is that there is no clear, committed constituency behind it in most countries. Neither the political leadership nor the business is interested in concluding the Doha Round. On the other hand, there is a committed constituency in favour of the multilateral trading system,” said Pradeep Mehta, Secretary General, CUTS International.
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New text is a much-needed booster for Doha: CUTS
April 29, 2011
“Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations has received a new booster dose. Time is ripe to conclude this deal in this year by making some forward-looking moves on industrial goods and other negotiating subjects. The future of the global trading system will become weak if the multilateral trading system remains without concluding the Doha Round,” said Pradeep Mehta, Secretary General of CUTS International.
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Gathering Evidence on Unfair Trade Practice in ASEAN: Challenges & Impacts
11th March, 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
Inaugurating a one-day International Conference on Competition marking the launch of a two year regional project, entitled ‘Study on Unfair Trade Practices in select ASEAN countries’, Mr. Bach Van Mung, Director General, Vietnam Competition Authority (VCA) said, “that it is important to deal with UTPs in-order to ensure an effective competitive environment and protection of consumer welfare. According to Mung, it is a big challenge for Vietnam and all ASEAN Countries and thus it is important for competition agencies in ASEAN countries to collaborate together and ensure the end of UTPs”. He emphasised the importance of lesson sharing, dialogues within the framework of the project which would benefit the relevant stakeholders in the ASEAN countries. He affirmed the support of VCAD to ensure successful implementation of the project and acknowledged the support for CUTS International, India and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
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2009 mid-year conference of the Asian Competition Forum
Hanoi, 26th May 2009
The 2009 mid-year conference of the Asian Competition Forum (www.asiancompetitionforum.org) is organised in Hanoi, Vietnam on the 26th of May 2009. The conference will be hosted by the Vietnamese Competition Council (VCC) in collaboration with the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS), Hanoi Resource Centre. The theme of this conference is “Effects of Anti-competitive Activities in Small and Developing Economies”.
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